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Now Am Found

Now Am Found

Garish, sodium gleam blinding all
except to the hum of Darkness.
Onyx Darkness impenetrable, eyes unaccustomed,
Pupils flicker from pinprick to marble.
Precariously negotiate winding journey,
No Map, No Direction.
Blind seeking blind
Thudding heart, surging pulse join in the steady cadence-
Hum of Humanity.
Unfurled blanket of jet pulled taut.

Smother, choke, artificial illumination
Ceasing to exist.
Pounding hum of Humanity patters into
Gentle, slow hum resounds once more
Amid the inky depth of Darkness
Vision restored, renewed,
Eyes accustomed.
Smothering shroud pinpricked with facets of Light, Hope, Life.
Shriveled lungs imbibed with breath.
Derailed thought clicking, clacking unto the track of
Hum of Darkness, Humanity crescendos,
Map, Direction, Light, Hope, Life
All along unfurled Above.


  • Anonymous

    I once was lost but now am found.

    May 17, 2010
  • Anonymous

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    May 17, 2010

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